Environmental Services
Environmental inspection services in Columbus, Ohio can help you track the health of your building’s occupants and maintain a healthy environment. By detecting conditions that could lead to poor air quality, mold contamination, or a buildup of hazardous materials, we can help isolate potential problems and prevent them from becoming larger issues. Check out our environmental testing services below.
Mold Inspection
As an environmental services inspector in Columbus, we check for mold. Molds are microorganisms that grow best in moist, warm environments such as those found in Central Ohio basements and attics. Not only do they affect the quality of your home, but mold can also cause human health problems. By identifying and removing the source of moisture, you can prevent mold from growing in your home. Home and Commercial Inspections offers a variety of services to help you eliminate any moisture issues and keep your house mold-free.
Lead Based Paint Inspection
Our environmental services in Columbus, Ohio include lead paint inspections. Lead exposure can be an issue in older homes, but is much more common in homes built before 1978. While lead paint is perhaps the most well-known source of lead exposure, many other products may contain lead and not be labeled as such. It is important to be aware of potential hazards and safeguard your home—schedule a lead inspection with us!
Thermal Imaging Services
Our environmental services in Columbus, Ohio includes thermal imaging to check for all details. Thermal imaging, or thermography, is the process of using a thermal camera to measure temperature fluctuations. In infrared thermography, cameras take pictures of heat in the same way a normal camera takes a photo of light. By converting infrared (IR) radiation (heat) into easily decipherable images, inspectors can assess the distribution of temperature on a surface.
Wood Destroying Insect Inspection
Termite inspectors in Columbus, Ohio are required to be licensed by the state; this means they have met training and certification requirements, and that you can expect them to perform an effective job. Make sure you hire a professional so that you avoid unnecessary costs, reduce damage and get the inspection done right the first time. Get high quality wood destroying insect inspection from our Columbus, Ohio environmental inspection services.
Radon Testing Inspection
Our environmental inspection services in Columbus, OH tests for radon in your home. Radon gas is created during the natural breakdown of uranium in the ground. Uranium is a natural element with slight radioactivity in its original state. However, when it starts to decay and crystallize into a gas form, it becomes dangerous to humans. Typically, radon is found in soil and rocks but can also be present in rivers, lakes and well water. Radon exposure occurs when humans inhale the gas as it rises up through the air around them. Because radon originates from the soil, lower levels of your property including basements will have higher levels of radon than other rooms in your house or workplace.
Asbestos Inspections
Asbestos sampling is a very technical procedure and should not be attempted by untrained individuals. If you suspect you have asbestos in your Ohio home or commercial property, contact Home & Commercial Inspections to ensure safe, secure, and accurate results. Environmental services in Columbus, Ohio will include expert asbestos testing and inspection.